Loving your sweaty hands and feet
Is it possible to love the sweat that causes us so much pain? As a teenager, that seemed impossible. But a series of events has allowed me to shift my perspective. First, a boyfriend of many years held my hand and told me that he loved my sweaty palms. He had to say it over and over again before I could believe him. Once I let it sink in, I could release much of the pain I felt over my hyperhidrosis. I had built a wall around my pain to protect myself, but such walls hinder your ability to let yourself fully enjoy the love of another person.
Later, as part of my meditation practice, I began doing the lovingkindness meditation, a Buddhist practice in which you consciously direct loving thoughts to yourself and others, including people whom you find difficult. After much practice, I was able to direct love and compassion to my sweaty hands and feet.
I don't love my sweaty hands and feet all the time, but little by little, I am learning the art of lovingkindness.
If you are interested in lovingkindness meditation, you might try Sharon Salzberg's excellent CDs on the subject.
Now I'm going to love myself even more and log off the computer so I can relax! (-:
P.S. Let's keep the people of Burma in our thoughts and prayers. Here's how to help.