Saturday, February 12, 2011

Underarm Sweating: Is a Cure in the Works?

A medical device company recently won government approval for a device it claims stops excessive underarm sweating, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The company, Miramar Labs, Inc., seeks funding to help bring this product to the market. However, it is unclear when this might happen.

Miramar CEO told the Wall Street Journal's Dow Jones Financial Information Service that the device sailed through a recent randomized, blinded sham-control study with 120 patients, which was followed by a 510(k) approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

For more information, see the Financial Information Service article, "No Sweat For Miramar Labs; Gets Device Approval, Seeks Funding" and the Miramar Labs website.

1 comment:

Michael G. Hurston said...

Hi Tiara, I came across your blog here from my Google Alerts. I'm a consultant at Miramar Labs, who makes MiraDry, the treatment you mentioned. It's pretty new, but is now FDA Cleared. The procedure delivers precisely controlled electromagnetic energy to the sweat glands and eliminates them. Because the sweat glands do not regenerate after treatment, you should see a dramatic and lasting reduction of underarm sweat. Of course, like all thing you will want to speak to your dermatologist first.