Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Iontophoresis update

Hi everyone, I've had a few requests for updates on how my iontophoresis treatment is working. I have not done a treatment for the past month and a half. The regimen takes time and dedication, and I let more and more time slip by. Also, I was curious to see what would happen.

Can cats have hyperhidrosis? (-;
I'm VERY happy. My hands are still a little sweaty but not as bad as before. And my feet are a little sweaty in my socks, even if my feet are cold. But it is much better than before. The worst is in yoga class, where I need to lay towels down on the mat so I don't slip. There's nothing worse than a downward dog where my hands are slowly inching forward on the mat...maybe I should just let the slippage continue until I slip into a plank position. I guess I just look ultra-tough to the other students.

Nevertheless, I'm going to start up a new round of iontophoresis about once a week or two because I don't like having damp socks.

My main focus these days is on my work, my family, and a small personal improvement project--I'm trying to become better at listening to others and tuning in to their facial expressions. I think people with social anxiety are not able to do this so well because they are so focused on their own anxiety and wondering what everyone thinks of them. So I'm dedicating the next few months to tuning into other people. It's not as easy as it sounds...

How is everyone else doing? Thanks for your continued comments and support...I'm so grateful that my words are being read!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

The iontophoresis is working!

Iontophoresis treatment of plantar hyperhidrosis.
Image courtesy of SpareTomato,

The iontophoresis is working!

I've been blogging about hyperhidrosis since 2006. This summer I had a realization: I spend more time trying to help others with hyperhidrosis than myself. So I finally went and filled that iontophoresis prescription. And it is working! I have been able to wear sandals and comfortably shake hands. I feel like a new person. It really does make a difference. Keeping up with the treatments is difficult, but even when I skip a week or two, the sweating is not too bad. My goal is not to eliminate all sweat, just to eliminate the excessive hand and foot sweat. A little sweat does not bother me at all.

Thanks to all of you for reading my blog and for all of your support and comments through these years.


Friday, June 08, 2012

A free and amazingly gratifying way to feel better about yourself (and maybe even your sweaty hands, too!)

Source: http://joettles.com/the-power-of-gratitude/
I just received a kind and inspiring letter from a young woman in Canada. She found my blog when she was 12. She is now 16. Her letter came at a time when I was feeling frustrated at work, wondering if I am living a life with meaning and purpose. I am so grateful to her for sharing with me how my work on the blog has helped her. In turn, she has given me a gift.

Today's challenge: Tell someone today that you appreciate them -- and give a specific example of why. It will give the other person a big boost...perhaps help them know they are appreciated and what it is that they can give to others that is needed more in this world. In turn, you are treating your hyperhidrosis. One of the best ways to overcome the negative emotions that come with hyperhidrosis is to give to others. It's so easy to fall into self-obession and self-doubt. Focusing on others and appreciating them does everyone good.


P.S.: For all you overachievers, check out this article: Why Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happier.

P.P.S.: Here the note sent by the 16-year-old Canadian that inspired me so:

Hi Tiara

I came across your "Sweaty Palm Diaries" when I was just 12 years old. I am now 16. Looking back..my life has completely changed. I know we haven't met and probably live miles apart (I live in Canada) but I just wanted to let you know that you are such an inspiration that I hope to be one day. 4 years ago I was a sweaty 12 year old that was completely lost. I was confused and upset and worse of it all: I was upset with God. "Why me, God?" I would plead but not get an answer. Then I came across your forum and wow..the positivity you put into your life..keep goin' because wow it does help others like myself ;) One of your best posts was a sweaty hands poem and I cried so hard. I cried because at least so many good things can come from sweaty hands. But one of the most treasurable gifts you have passed onto me was Matthew 5:14 and to this day I try to live by it day by day. I know God gave me sweaty hands for a reason: he knew I could handle it. Also I just finished a presentation yesterday and like you I want to improve on my public speaking (I'm a very talkative person and it's a shame HH has takien a tole on me but I fight it with courage and taking on more challenges day by day! :)) We only live once and I know the most important is living freely and honouring God. Thank you so much Tiara, from a sweaty comrade. Keep inspiring millions of people because we need more people like you. I hope to carry your positivity with me throughout my whole life. I really hope to meet you one day. God Bless.

Iontophoresis Treatment for Hyperhidrosis, Week 2

Fischer Galvanic Unit
I've been using a Fischer Galvanic Iontophoresis unit for about two weeks. (For more information about the treatment, visit sweathelp.org's coverage of iontophoresis.)

You are supposed to do the treatments every other day, 10 times. Then the frequency of treatments can be decreased. I've missed a few days, but now I'm getting better at including the treatment as part of my routine. The treatments are slightly uncomfortable, but they are not supposed to be painful. My hands are slightly less sweaty than before, but I still have a ways to go after treatment #5. I am not dialing up the intensity as much as is recommended because I find any higher to be uncomfortable, though each time I can go a little higher. My husband has been a great help. He will sit with me during the treatments, and we watch Friday Night Lights through Netflix streaming together. The treatments themselves are not fun, but it helps if you can reward yourself with something fun to watch during the 40 minutes they take.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to imagine my life "lived out loud" -- i.e., comfortable in social situations and open to adventure. I'm much better off than I was when I started this blog in 2006, but I have a ways to go.


Note to readers: I am not affiliated with sweathelp.org and the R.A. Fischer company. I do not personally benefit when I mention them on my website.)