Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Start-Up Company Works on Hyperhidrosis Treatment

According to Fierce BioTech, a website that covers the biotech industry, "Miami-based Brickell Biotech grabbed $7 million in a new venture round led by a South Korean cosmetics company to back its work on new chemical entities for dermatology." (View article: Cosmetics group leads $7M round for dermatology upstart Brickell)

Fierce BioTech reports: "Brickell's big idea is pushing the fast-paced development of new treatments for acne, atopic dermatitis and hyperhidrosis, better known as excessive sweating. That may not represent the kind of unmet medical need as, say, advanced cancer, but several developers like Allergan ($AGN) have staked out sizable markets for new products in this field. According to the company's website, the biotech in-licensed BBI-4000 for hyperhidrosis late last year." 

Brickell Biotech describes BBI-4000 as a "topical soft anticholingeric for the treatment of hyperhidrosis." has a useful web page on anticholingerics, Hyperhidrosis Treatment Medications.

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