Friday, August 31, 2007

What inspires you? What takes you outside of yourself?

One of the hardest parts about hyperhidrosis, at least for me, is that I find myself in an ultra-self-conscious state of mind. Someone near me could be having a nervous breakdown, choking on a pine nut or something, and I'm wondering if the black marks left by wet shoe leather are showing. So one of my best strategies is to focus on things and people outside of myself. It doesn't always work, but over time, it has helped.

Here are some of the readings that particularly help me:
1) Teachings on Love by Thich Nhat Hanh
2) Tara Brach's Radical Acceptance
3) The Onion (because laughter is medicine)

What inspires you and takes you outside of yourself? Does that help slow down the sweating?

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