Friday, February 15, 2013

Hyperhidrosis: More Questions Than Answers

Hyperhidrosis: More Questions Than Answers

Questions about hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis researcher Paul Kamudoni asks in 
his blog post why people with hyperhidrosis 
are denied treatment.
Paul Kamudoni leads a Hyperhidrosis Quality of Life" Research Team at the CSER Welsh School of Pharmacy.  Last year he interviewed more than 70 people with hyperhidrosis. I am eager to see the results of his team's research.

Mr. Kamundoni wrote a poignant blog post last year about the enigma of hyperhidrosis. The condition is common. The condition is treatable. But the condition is often left undiagnosed and untreated. Why? Read Paul Kamundoni's blog post, Hyperhidrosis: "More Questions Than Answers."

Let's get answers to our questions.



Sweaty and hawt. said...

Hi Tiara!

I love your blog! I am an young college student suffering for hyperhidrosis as well. I was supposed to have the surgery done this summer, but then the day I was supposed to go in it was unexpectedly cancelled do to insurance! However, although devastated, it is something I have just had to learn to live with! I write on my blog, My hope is to help people who are dealing with this and other trials have a positive attitude and still live life to its fullest! I enjoy searching for new solutions though. Please let me know if you find anything else that works for you!

Sweaty But Hawt Girl

Anonymous said...

I saw your post It is really informative and quality of the content is extraordinary. Thanks indeed

Hyperhidrosis Bridgend